Freedom of the (es)Press(o)
We’ve spoken at length about our Italian coffee and its health benefits, but it’s pretty rare for us to have to defend our vaunted beverage. However, if you live in the UK, then you know that food scares are to the national press what supporting walls are to architecture. So,...
Karma, Karma, Calmer, Calmer, Coffee Chameleon…
If you’re a Boy George fan, then great! (What’s it like in 1987?) But unfortunately this blog has nothing to do with the Culture Club, or even lizards that change colour. It is, instead, about how coffee, long blamed for shaky-limbed nervousness, can actually be a soothing tonic. Now we’ve...
Summer Coffee Scenarios
Summer is here (don’t look out the window, just trust us, okay?). That means it’s time to break out the budgie smugglers, slap on the fake tan, and hold in your stomach as you regret the last few months of hedonism. But before you start getting the shakes, don’t panic,...